In this article we discuss regulatory investigations, such as dawn raids or information requests, which can present significant challenges for businesses, impacting operations and potentially damaging their reputation.
From Sentiment to Regulation: How the AI Act may impact the Future of Sentiment Analysis
Curious about the future of Sentiment Analysis under the new AI Act? Dive into this blog post where Natalia Benou breaks downs what sentiment analysis is, how it’s used in eDiscovery, and how the new regulation could reshape the landscape for AI tools.
FORCYD’s opening of Frankfurt office and appointment of new partner
FORCYD is proud to announce the launch of its Germany, Austria and Switzerland (DACH) operations with the opening of our Frankfurt office and appointment of Michael Becker as Partner and lead of the DACH region.
Exam fraud: From ‘incident’ to adequate response for regulators
In this article, Bas Sluijsmans discusses the problem of exam fraud in accountancy, the steps organisations can take to address it and FORCYD’s role in supporting organisations in dealing with regulatory investigations related to exam fraud.
Examenfraude: Van “incidentje” naar adequaat antwoord voor toezichthouders
In dit artikel bespreekt Bas Sluijsmans het probleem van examenfraude in de accountancy, de stappen die organisaties kunnen nemen om dit aan te pakken en de rol van FORCYD in het ondersteunen van organisaties bij het omgaan met regelgevingsonderzoeken met betrekking tot examenfraude.
Disclosure Failures in the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry
In an extraordinary series of recent hearings, the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry has interrogated and strongly criticised the eDiscovery and Document Review practices adopted by the Post Office and its advisers. In this article, Robert Gradel looks into what these hearings revealed about the scandal.
eDiscovery for Sanctions Monitoring
In this article, Mathieu van Ravenstein discusses the importance of proactive monitoring for organisations at risk of sanctions violations. Learn about the effectiveness of using eDiscovery technology to automate the process, how efficiency and accuracy can be improved, and how risk of human error can be reduced.
New UK “Failure to Prevent Fraud” offence
The UK Government has announced a new corporate criminal offence of failing to prevent fraud to hold large organisations liable for fraud committed by their associates. In this blog, Robert Gradel discussed the new offence.
Compliance in competition law; staying ahead of the curve
eDiscovery has long been utilised in Competition Law investigations. In this article, Mathieu van Ravenstein looks at the reasons for, and benefits of, using eDiscovery in a more pre-emptive fashion for the purposes of regulatory compliance monitoring.
Thinking about… the SFO
The UK’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) are in the news again, following the collapse of another prosecution due to disclosure failings. The case concerned allegations against three former executives of G4S related to electronic monitoring contracts, and follows the...
Thinking about… Cabo
The case of Cabo Concepts Limited v MAG Entertainment UK Limited has sent shockwaves through the eDiscovery world (well at least in the UK!). In Cabo, the defendant and their lawyers were heavily criticised for their eDiscovery processes, and costs of close to...